Sunday 25 November 2012

Fliming Schedule.

This is my filming schedule, after going through my scenes and planning out each scene, it became apparent that my filming (excluding any additional shots needed for the final cut) could all be done in one day.

Day one:
 Due to the fact that practically all of my opening was going to be filmed indoors I did not have to work around any external factors e.g. weather, time of day.

The primary location was the killers house. I felt that by using just an average, run of the mill house as my main location it would create a different kind of tension within my thriller. I didn't want to go overboard with a thriller-typical location.
Location shot - Killer's Alley

The second location was a narrow, dark alleyway at the side of the killers house, it would be used for the murder scene at the beginning of the opening. I'm not entirely certain that I will need this second location as I am still deciding if I need this scene or not.

The date of the filming day was perhaps the most difficult thing to arrange. Due to conflicting engagements between myself and the actress for the opening, we struggled to find a day in which we were both available enough to dedicate the necessary time that the filming required.

Props - during the planning of my opening I decided on a series of props that I would need for each shot. I decided to use candles in the loft scene as the only source of light to help create a feeling of tension. I also owned an old-style wooden chest which I thought would work perfectly as the centrepiece of the killer's shrine. Part of my narrative for the killer is that she lost a child, therefore I felt it was crucial to get some child related props into my shots. I decided to place a small teddy in with the killers shrine to act as a reminder to the killer as to why she's doing what she does. Also I decided to use the prop of the old fashioned Russian doll to represent her maternal instinct latching on to the nearest thing to her child she could find, I think this scene in particular will frighten the viewer most as it clearly shows her mental breakdown.

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