Sunday 25 November 2012

Target Audience.

When deciding upon my target audience, I was torn between choosing certificate 15 or 18. I felt that by choosing a rating of 18 it would allow me to produce more violent scenes within the film. I thought that the raw, graphic violence would give the viewers an insight into just how unhinged the killer is. She is so cold and ruthless that there is nothing she wont do, she has no concept of fear.

Upon further thought I felt that by choosing a rating of 15 I could still include an insight into her true madness, but instead of using violence I would have to focus more on the character herself. Her facial expressions, her body language, the actions she does within the film, I would have to look deeper and create a more in-depth character, I felt this would produce a richer film experience.

Taking both sides into account I ultimately decided a rating of 15 would be better suited for my opening. I could still include the madness of the killer, show some scenes of conflict, but would have to tone it down for younger viewers. Despite this disadvantage I decided I could reach a wider range of viewers by choosing this rating, and that the group I reach would cover a broad spectrum of ages, hopefully increasing the successfulness of the opening.

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