I created a soundtrack for my opening using the Garage Band app on the apple mac. For my soundtrack I wanted to create a piece of music that was simple but effective. After going through the various sounds available on Garage Band I settled on a set of piano notes named "emotional piano". I decided to loop the notes into a continuous track to create a piano-based track that I felt reflected the tone of emotion that I was aiming for.
Despite the piano notes achieving the emotional connection I was looking for, they didn't bring the ominous feeling that I wanted to incorporate also, so I added a sound called "pulsing sweep" to slowly fade in at two intervals at the beginning and middle of the piano track. It was a very low sound that added just the right amount of tension into the track.
To stay in line with the backstory I had envisioned for my opening, I decided to add the sound of children's laughter into the track. The sound effect added some quirkiness to the opening and also created a fear-like response when heard by the audience.
After the breaks of silence in the track I noticed that I needed to pick up the pace of the opening again, so I laid in a new track called "contemplative synth". Its sound was quite low and ominous and maintained a small feeling of fear.
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