Tuesday 16 October 2012

Preliminary Task

This is my preliminary task. we were asked to produce a short clip using such techniques shot-reverse-shot, match on action and the 180 degree rule.

Shot-reverse-shot is mainly used to show an interaction between to subjects, typically a conversation between two people. It can be divided into two main shots that alternate between each other for the duration of the interaction. Shot 1 shows the dialogue and shot 2 show the recipient.

Match on action is a difficult technique to master. When attempting to use it in a shot, your timing must be precise otherwise you would end up showing 2 shots with a repetition of the same action within each. If we use opening a door as an example, you must use your first set of frames to show the person approaching the door and putting their hand onto the door handle, you must time it perfectly to move to the second shot of the door opening from the other side. If you did not you would end up having a clip that shows someone opening a door twice which could have an adverse effect on the scene transitions and the "flow" of the clip.

The 180 degree rule is one of the most basic media filming rules. Its basis is that two subjects in one shot should always have the same left-right interaction with each other. The positioning should not change, on the diagram you can see that there is an imaginary line that should not be crossed otherwise it would become a reverse angle shot, which would be out of place.

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