Saturday 15 December 2012

Rough Cut.

This is the rough cut of my thriller opening. Prior to posting this on here, myself and Mrs Bingham watched the opening and together came up with a few areas for improvement. The following will be either added/improved for the final cut:

- Establishing shot of the house, showing the character walking in. The reason for adding this shot is that we both agreed having it in there would establish the location and show the viewer the typical surroundings of the protagonist.

- More emphasis on the jumpy editing. I deliberately chose to edit certain parts of my opening differently to the rest, there is an element of quirkiness to the way the shots play out, we both feel that at present the shots are quirky but its not far enough, so I will push the editing boundaries even further.

- A close up of the inside of the wooden chest. During the rough cut, in the scene with the wooden chest, Mrs Bingham felt that the shot of the contents of the chest was quite an enigmatic shot, but that to enhance it I should consider doing a close up of the contents so that the viewer can see in greater detail what actually is inside that box. I have decided to do an over-the-shoulder shot from the protagonist's right shoulder.

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