Sunday 16 December 2012

Audience Feedback.

After watching my rough cut I invited the audience to give me feedback, suggesting any ways that I could improve the opening for my final cut.

Lydia- while she liked my varied shots, use of lighting and camera angles, Lydia felt that I could work to sync up the diegetic sounds of my opening with the corresponding breaks of silence in my soundtrack to create a smoother opening.

Mabel- she liked my opening as a whole, but felt that my original soundtrack lacked a uniqueness that made it sound quite flat and repetitive.

Mrs Bingham- as mentioned before, Mrs Bingham and myself watched the rough cut together and came up with a few improvements that could be added into the opening. That being said however, Mrs Bingham agreed with Mabel's comments that the soundtrack needed some tweaking to make it a better fit to the opening.

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